Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Some things about christmas piss me off. like...
people and last minute shopping......
bitchy people.......
some things related to work and end of year......
i can see why people off themselves this time of year.(not that i would, i love life, but i totally understand)
ok i admit i am going shopping tonight, but did everyone either forget or put it off also? what gives? I think that calls for a gift for self! I know where I am going after work...
i was a target last night and i heard everything from the bitchy husband, the bitchy wife, the bitchy bitch. this should be a season of joy and celebrating! be glad you have a husband, wife, you can go shopping, be glad you can talk to bitch, just don't expose me to you pissed-off-ness.
here is my kicker for the day and feel bad for enjoying it. One of the subs on Karens job bought lunch for the office today. it was great, i enjoyed it!! here is the sucky part, we have a hold on every sub check till the first of the year. no sub is getting paid. the sub that bought lunch is one of them. merry christmas to you! hope he didn't put off his shopping....
highlight of the day, one of Karens DM's sent her a large bottle of Bailey's ..say are we seeing a trend here? just what is she doing? ha ha..anyway need to get her to crack it open!
M (she doesn't like me putting her on the web for all to see) and I are going to get our tattoo after the first of the year, donations welcome!
Listening to people on my side of the office singing christmas carols
what up with you?

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