Friday, December 26, 2003

i woke up feeling like shit today. my eyes hurt, my head hurts, my back hurts, i have a fever and a cough. damn i didn't want to go to work, but being the workaholic i am, i have employees to pay, invoices to create and reports to get out to the fields. so here i am. but as soon as i am done with that back home i go. as i drove to work today, i saw one of the prettiest sunrises i have seen yet. high clouds reflecting reds, oranges and golds, a few low clouds in front to be a dark gray blue contrast. as the sunrise spread out the clouds became a lovely shade of purple and lavender. life is good!

time to think about new years resolutions. i didn't make on last year due to the problem i had the year before. now it is funny, then it was ...well read on. i had just moved to florida, knew very few people, and decided that i would make an attempt to smile and greet people i passed with a hello. i am generally friendly if i know you or work with you but total strangers, well...... about 3 days after my resolution i was taking my trash out and noticed someone new moving in. there was a van with a chest of drawers in it that someone had already taken the drawers out of and carried in. i thought this would be a good oppotunity to make a newcomer to the neighborhood feel welcome and a chance for me to use my resolution. i kind of hung around and in a second an older man came out and i asked if he needed help. "sure" he replied. so i help him carry it upstairs to his apartment. we visited a minute, he seemed nice enough. the next saturday he was going to hit a few of the resale shops in the area and asked if I wanted to go. I thought, why not. first thing that got my gaurd up was.. we went to a shop, there was a big overstuffed chair with outtoman he wanted and he proceeds to tell the clerk he wants to get me in it. i am a little freaked.. on the way back to the apartment complex, he starts in on me taking a bubble bath with him.. now i am really the next couple of days when i got home after work i would hear "hello marti". his bathroom window faced my parking space and his bedroom window faced my front room. he would be in the window, looking down at me. somehow he got my phone number. this is when it started getting even weirder. i would get home and no sooner than i let myself in, my phone would ring. it was him. "want to go out and grab a sandwich or come up?", "want me to draw you a bubble bath?" he was watching me. i was way creeped out. i quit answering my phone and parking away from my apartment. he eventually met someone else. maybe she took a bath with him, i didn't care, he quit bugging me. but he did lead to many fun conversations at beer thirty. as i tend to name some people, i named him porno man. (my last ex is the bastard) so for safety sake, last year i bowed out of resolutions. this year i will stick with something safe...not sure what yet...
listening to the AM sounds of people in the office that don't want to be here the day after christmas.
what resolution will you make?

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