Sunday, November 09, 2003

I had a rather pleasant (and always short) weekend. I worked on refinishing my patio furniture, cleaned my humble abode and watched movies out the arse. Oh and the prerequisite trip to Barnes and nobles. May I recommend both "what a girls wants" and "Harry Potter - chamber of secrets". Both considered "teen" movies, but both where excellent! I plan on spending what is left of today eating a good meal and watching bandits. Love that cate blanchett!

One more award hall of idiocracy of Florida..and one more theing that makes me go "what the f%#!"
Terri Sciavo all I have to say about this whole mess is get one of these .
let it be known now and all over the net. If hope is lost and I can not stay alive with out assistance, i do not what to be kept alive on life support.
currently listening to the soulful cool stylings of Joss Stone.
currently drinking white merlot.
How was your weekend?

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