Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My son and I! Posted by Hello

Just who is checking out who? Posted by Hello

Roadrunner curious about me... Posted by Hello

Roadrunner when R walked up... Posted by Hello

The Mighty Silver! Posted by Hello

See all the wild children!

Wednesday was Zoo Day. This is both a good and bad statement. Good in the fact that Zoos with the free range type pens always lend to great animal shots and the Fort Worth Zoo has been updated to this. Bad side is that Wednesday is half price day at the zoo plus that particular Wednesday it was free to star telegram gold pass holders, which my fam has one of.
So sometimes I think I won’t balk at paying full price. Lol
The only thing still the same at the zoo is the herpetarium and the little 2-lane road that ran in front of it. The rest is history, literally. The zoo is very nice now. When I was little I got some kind of sickness where I had to get shots for several  days after going to the zoo, but that is off the subject. And I don't remember that anyway, Mom always told me that story.
The most impressive thing at the zoo was the silver back gorilla. He was too regal!
After the zoo I tried to take R to the Imax but I think half price day extended to there too as it was way to crowded, and we where way to hot to deal with them.
So we went to Anchorman… which was rather stupid.
That night we went to Posado’s for Mexican food.  YUMM!! Food, go figure!
As I am posting several pics I am cutting this blog short….


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Longhorns and autos.... Posted by Hello

Monday (and Tuesday) in Cowtown

Monday we went to my sons apartment, which he will soon be leaving to go to College. It was a great apartment and if I lived in that area I would be proud to have, it over looked the pool and trees all serene and stuff. It was really cool!
 Then over to Grapevine Mills Mall to check out some Texas size CDs and souvenirs. I bought the Black Eyed Peas new CD.  Food was the word of the day, so since we where at that mall, we ate at the Raintree Cafe. That is always an experience! Animatronics at it’s best, who wouldn't want to eat with an Elephant looking at you, who trumpets, snorts and stirs up dust along with lions and tigers and bears. (Oh my!) It rains every 26 minutes, not on you of course, but the thunder, and lightening, it is just too cool. Food is good, although a little pricey, but you are paying for the "experience" of course.
Tuesday was Stockyards day. Oh the memories of the stockyards. We used to go there when I was small and I remember going there when there was a whole lot more cattle pens than there are now, but progress being what it may, Billy Bob's took some of it along with the prerequisite parking lot. But the ambiance is still in the air, and just a smidgeon of the smell (lol).
We went to the shops section of the old train station to check out the wares, and the old steam train, The Tarantula, still runs although not on Monday or Tuesday. Go Figure. It was way to hot to do that anyway. We snacked at the Star Cafe, which by the way has the BEST fries, Then we wandered up to the Cross Eyed Moose to hunt antiques, found a $18,000.00 bronze for someone's front yard, not mine, I have better things to do with the 18K.  We shopped Luskeys, Mavericks and M.L. Leddys. Leddys is actually one of those places you go and look at the stuff, check the price tag and go "WTF???". Then it was 4 PM and time for the longhorn hearding thru town, complete with trail riders. We finished the night with a meal at Cattleman's Steakhouse, a tourist and old timers, tradition. They had the BEST blue cheese vinaigrette salad dressing with parmesan and sesame seeds in it! YUMMM!  See a pattern starting here?

Monday, July 26, 2004

Bass Hall Angels Posted by Hello

2 Days in Texas

Saturday we arrived at DFW and promptly headed out to Sundance Square to start taking in the sights and sounds of Funkytown.  And DFW is neither in Dallas or Fort Worth but in nowhereville.... Funkytown was having a Hispanic fest so it was a wee crowded but it just added to the sights, sounds and colors. There was some great traditional dancing, with costumes.  We saw the angels at the Bass Hall, the 2 story sculpture in Barnes and Nobles, the cowtown mural on the side of one 4 story building, Leddys, Ryans, the last hotel JFK stayed in before his infamous trip to big "D". I found a purse I liked in Leddys, it was plastic with a neat picture of a girl on a horse. I thought "Cool!" until I looked at the price tag, $249!!! What up with that???
Of course the question of the day was where to eat... We went to Mi Cocinas off Sundance Square... it was rather noisy but the food was good. Afterwards we went to a Swedish chocolate store and I got fresh dark chocolate w caramel, E got peanut butter fudge and R got dark choc PB cups...Yummm!
Sunday was both open house day and rest and relax day. TLDC made poor mans lasagna, and sock it to me cake by request of moi... Some of the fam that could came by. We rested, visited, and watched the cows eat grass while sitting on the back porch.  Good times where had by all!!!
Updates on Monday and Tuesdays adventures to come!

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Yeah! The humans are back!

Life is good! Henry, Little Girl and I would like to report that the humans are back! They are taking a nap now, but I heard the mom human say she had stories and pictures to share on her blog!
Well we gotta go now, we gotta go pester them sense they have been gone so long!


Rascal, Henry and Little Girl Princess.  
Oh OK...
Little girl wants me to use her "new" name.. princess.. sheesh..... adopt a girl and look what happens!

Friday, July 16, 2004

You Know...

I should be packing. R and I are going to Tejas tomorrow for a combo vacation slash he gets to meet part of my fam.... But here I am reading blogs, reading my blog from earlier, (and re-writes are in my head), thinking about where to take it if anywhere at all. I am such a nerd!
Oh well, such is life...
I may try out the audio blogging... if I can remember the number.. a few good yeeeee hawws should give you guys some laughs!
So.. I guess off I go to get ready. Flying out tomorrow noon but you know that means gotta be there earlier.... such is life!
I am soooo looking forward to this, maybe I will be inspired for new stories! I miss that!
Later! I am going to ride the open plains, rope a few goats and buy some boots!!!

Change and Effect

"How stupid could I be?" she thought to herself angrily. Her forehead pressed to the cold window pane of Macy's Christmas window, her arm above her head as if she was using her hand to shade the glare on the glass. The display was of about a dozen kids caroling in the snow at the home of some fortunate family. Mouths open wide, smiles in their eyes. She never really saw the display.  She lifted her eyes and gazed at her reflection. Her breath fogged on the freezing glass. She could see a small tear was forming in her eyes.  "No way am I doing that!" she scolded herself. She stood up, straightened her coat and scarf, pulled the bright yellow tobogan down over her ears. She gave herself a once over in the windows reflection and glanced around to see if she had been noticed. "Of course not, not in New York City." she muttered.  She walked away staring at something in the distance so she didn't have to make eye contact with any of her fellow New Yorkers.
A homeless man that had been watching her and he rushed across the street. He wanted to catch any presence of her that was left. He reached out to the window where a small bit of vapor was left from her breath.  He touched the glass, his hands in moth eaten gloves and felt what was left of her breath. "Oh what could be upsetting a beautiful woman like that?" he said to himself while shaking his head. "To know someone as lovely as that would surely bring joy to my life!" He held his hand to his face and looked down the sidewalk, hoping  for one last glimpse of her. Maybe she would look back and see him he could hope you know. As his eyes strained, searching for her, he saw the yellow tobogan turn left at the next block. You could see the disappointment in his face. He looked around to see if any of his friends where looking. They weren't.  He crossed back over to the other side of the street to stand with his buddies, catching brief drafts of warmth  as people went in and out of the store.

Monday, July 12, 2004


Today is Captians birthday!

He insists that he no longer has birthdays...
I insist he does!
(When has a mans opinion on such things really mattered girls??? LOL)
So I wish to send out to him via the world wide web a rousing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
and an
I Love Ya!
May this day bring you lots of pleasure!


Capturing the Moment

Yesterday I photographed my first wedding. I work witht he bride, though not closely, and one of my friends here had told her I do good picutres... Yeah of animals and people when they don't know I am looking! LOL
It went well I think, although it is almost a prerequisite that with a group of that size I am sure I "offended" someone. Oh well! Funny thing, my legs feel like I had one hell of a workout yesterday! All that up and downing I guess! Who knew you needed to do leg exercises pre- shooting a wedding!
The wedding was at 3 but we had previously agreed that I would get there 1 to grab some intimate shots of the bride and groom getting ready and any group shots we could before the wedding started. Also they where having the wedding vetoed, and I had told the bride it would be better if I didn't attempt to take any pictures during the ceremony as that would mess up the video. There was one little girl in the wedding that was oh so cute! We shall call her Little Girl as I SUCK at names and she was the brides sisters daughters daughter, and that is just entirely to long to type more that once! She was adorable with her curly hair, in her little pink dress, with little pink pearls and no shoes. She was shoe obsessed though, I was warned if I took my shoes off she would more than likely want them and wear them. A girl after my own heart!I just hope someone show her the value of a good shoe sale vs full price. Shoes I like, shoes on sale I love!
Either way..They put the back of her hair up and topped it with a baby's breath crown with little pink and white ribbons off the back. She was cute, and she knew it! And she was a ham too! She had a radar sense that I was around with the camera and about to shoot her..hummm, camera ham, shoe freak.. Think she is the future Sara Jessica Parker? LOL
The brides attendants where her 2 daughters and her grooms daughter. Her eldest was her maid of honor. They had wonderful black dresses and the grooms where quite dapper in their black tuxes. The bride wore a mint green dress that flowed beautifully when she walked. I say all this to interject here that those colors where a real bonus for me. White on white is soooo hard to shoot!
Short summary of the wedding..
Her brother in law walked her own the aisle,
she was resplendent and glowing,
She and her fiancee held hands at the front during the ceremony,
her daughters started crying silently,
Her new daughter started crying not so silently,
She started crying,
Her fiancee brushed a tear from her cheek,
I started crying..
A young family member sang,
more tears where had by all,
They were pronounced man and wife,
they kissed..
Yes there was more but....You got the gist of it.
After the wedding we did the usual, but not usual, group shots. I say that because there were A LOT of family there! They didn't think I could get everyone in one shot.. Ha ha I say! I did it. This is the point where I think I could have offended someone... Because I always didn't get the husbands and wives right next to each other, but I did the best I could seeing as there were probably 40 or more in that shot...
We did all the various group shots, then off to the reception we went. I took a lot of shots there, and the food was great!
I got the groom taking off the garter, then she threw her bouquet, then off they went in a baby blue 67 (I think) Chevelle. Great car!
Oh and it is amazing the people that want a special picture of a particular group of family members! I didn't mind at all but almost everyone of them asked me at some pivotal moment. I just said I would be glad to take anything they want as soon as I captured this shot. Of course you want everyone to be happy, but I was there for the bride!
I can't wait to get the pictures back and see them! If they are any count I will scan some and share...
At 5:30 I was driving home, hot, tired but actually excited at how well it went. I hope she thinks so too.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Pain In My....

Yesterday I sneezed. So what you might say. Well when I sneezed I did something to my back, right between my shoulder blades. Yesterday and still today it hurts to turn my head, or lift my left arm to high. (I know, I know, so don't turn your head or lift your left arm.) Anyway.....WTF? It wasn't a large, loud AHHH - CHOOO noises, hurled from my mouth like a redneck at a family reunion. Nor was it one of those small, short, high pitched "chew" noises that makes you want to go, "Oh look, the blonde sneezed, isn't that cute" sneezes. Just a regular ol' sneeze, with consequences.
Now here is where the "OUCH" comes in....
Some of the ladies in my office thought it was funny to tell me "That's what happens when you get old!"
If anyone says anything to me today I am just gonna tell them VH1 is having a "reliving the 70's" day coming up and I am practicing the robot so I can wow my friends and influence people. The next person that says something about my age might just be suprised how well my right hand works....

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Astronomical Horoscope

props to my sister...

Here is our horoscope for the week ending 7/8/04: In accordance with the astrological omens, I've assembled a host of snappy one-liners for you to wield in the coming week, Cancerian. Sooner or later, it will make sense for you to utter every one of them. 1. "It only seems kinky the first time." 2. "Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they still have some good ideas." 3. "To make your prayers come true, you have to get off your knees." 4. "I'm the good kind of bad." 5. "It's not really a party till something gets broken." 6. "Shut up and dance." (P.S.: I don't anticipate there'll be any messy consequences if you cultivate the attitude I'm suggesting here. But in case there are, invoke this disclaimer: "I didn't do it. You can't prove it. Nobody saw me.")

Now is 1,3 or 4 my fav... hummmmmm

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I Had A Fifth on the Fourth!

Not me actually but someone I know. Although I did try Smirnoffs new mandrin "malt liquor". I don't know why they don't call it beer, and it was rather tasty. We grilled out and did the pre-requestite things you are supposed to do on the fourth. We slept in a bit, planned to cook out, went furniture shopping, drank a beer or 2. Yes, I said furniture shopping! Doesn't your family have that time honored tradition? LOL. And yes, if you are wondering we did buy something. 2 couches and a chair w/ottoman. Merging 2 households you would think we would have everything one would need. You would think. We even need dishes. Don't ask what we where doing pre-merger.. It sure wasn't with out. Anyway, we tried our best to find something that went with my furniture as he likes my set best. After many stops we found one we liked on Saturday. Yes I said Saturday, we started this hunt as a "just for fun" type trip then. Saturday we went to Bassett, (ehhh..), Lane, (ehhhh..), and Rooms to Go, (score! We fond one that would go!). Sunday we hit Haverty's (overpriced, but we expected that), and Rhodes, (just plain ewwww!).Sp back to Rooms to go we went, proper questions to ask in hand. Turns out the one we liked, that would go, was made rather shittily (hear screaching brakes here!!). But there was another style we liked, only problem is that meant re-doing the whole Livingroom. Sooo... 24 months interest free financing here we come! Now we get to sell the old stuff...Such is life!...
But this was a relatively small part of our "we have no plans" weekend. We worked in the yard and went out to dinner Friday night, We cleaned house and unpacked Saturday, then went to do errands and furniture shop. Sunday we slept in, then went Furniture shopping, Monday we golfed in the AM, then took a old timers nap, worked in the yard more and some last minute cleaning pre-company coming today. Any minute in fact.. SO I must go for now!
Hope your weekend was great!

Friday, July 02, 2004

ROTFLMAO!! Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 01, 2004

3 guesses what I did this weekend!

first 2 don't count!

I have a few more changes to make.. like:
i want a picture of me where the plane is..
I want to change the scrolling verbiage at the bottom
i want new music..
I want to add my map back..
i want my daily blog titles to be titles..

I have added blog rolling...YAY!
i have a total new format...YAY!
I have NO ad banner!

What do ya think?

JoAnn Spelt Like Joan

Today is my Seaster's Birthday!

I feel like telling the world!

OH! I just did!

Give her site a visit and wish her many B'days if you can!

Men as Friends

looks like it ain't gonna happen

I arrived at this conclusion from a recently read statement in a Blog I peruse that said;
"Straight men view women as either a potential sexual experience, their mother or someone who will tell whatever they say to their wife or girlfriend, which will make their life a living hell."
(Props to Jef!)

I hate to believe it but after much wheel turning, rust removing and dusting out the corners (in my mind of course), I think this just might be true. Why is my question. Why can't men and women have friendships without the sexual innuendos being there? Why do men think we all want to go "run and tell" all their secrets? Why are we just a potential sexual conquest? And I sure as hell don't want to be looked at as some man's mother figure! I know, there are a lot of women out there that live to cause men strife, but there are a lot of men out there that are less than savory also.

The statement I read caused me to think back on experiences I have had. These experiences in my past have confused me, and I guess as I grow older and life experiences teach me, things start to "come into light" if you will. I think back to one time, I met this guy, we had great conversation, he had a similar funny outlook on life as I did. We saw each other a few times, then after that it was all conversation, good conversation, but just conversation. I moved on with my life and wanted to keep the "friendship" I thought we had but when he found out I moved on, all communications stopped. Interesting, and also proves the above mentioned theory. He obviously was interested in the potential sexual conquest and not anything else. I should say that was his loss but actually I think we both lost.
I guess I am different. I like any person, of any color, any sex, or sexual preference for who they are as a person. I think about what I might have missed in life if I wasn't open to people, life experiences, etc.

Can we all just get along? LOL!