Thursday, September 29, 2005

Post Mothball

The Mothball was a blast! I have pictures to incriminate I mean post later. I am still re-couping. I know, I know it's Thursday, but the long drive Sunday, brick laying class on Tuesday, and after work errands that must be completed by Friday have kept mui from getting much needed rest.
And speaking of brick laying, on another post I must share my son's conversation with some friends about me taking that course.. too funny!

Can I say that a martini shaker, Gloria Estaban's "The Conga", and an olive made for an interesting "talent" for Bond girl Fiona Plum! Although she got beat out to a somewhat drunk frat boy who stripped down to a halter top and girls bikinis to the beat of Marvin Gayes "Let's Get It On". Bet he wondered what the hell the next morning! If Fiona Plum entered again, Fiona thinks lip syncing might be in order.

There were some great table decorations for the table decorating contest and competition was tough! I received the honor of being 1st runner up on my attempt at table decorations and won 5 bottles of wine! (Yes FIVE!!) There were some great tables and competition was tough!
How'd they know,
That I'm a wino?
I couldn't be happier!

Have a day!

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